Here is the HTML…
Decade | Theme | Technology | Value |
1950’s | Report Generation | keypunch, mag tapes, line printer, mainframes, COBOL, FORTRAN | Reducing internal costs and errors of manual clerical processing |
1960’s | Transaction Processing | System-of-Record, merge-sort, OR/MS, ERP | Increasing efficiency of administrating financial and then other functional areas |
1970’s | Database Management & Decision Support | CODASYL, relational normalization, joins, static SQL, IFPS, what-if cases, PC | Better choices for big decisions by a few executives; plus, efficiency in data mgt |
1980’s | Online Database Systems | dynamic SQL, online reports, spreadsheets, dashboards, KPI | Better choices for small frequent decisions by many employees |
1990’s | Data Warehousing | SVOT, ER model, subject areas, ETL–ELT, star schemas, data marts, ODS, Active DW, mobile | Data integration for Single Version of the Truth enabling cross-functional insights to optimize corporate-wide processes |
2000’s | Visual Descriptive Analytics | drill-down, trending, ease-of-use UI, Big Data, insights | Insights into data patterns that improve policies and procedures by management |
2010’s | Interactive Predictive Analytics | Big Data, machine learning, | Statistical predictions based on historical data for better planning of biz operations |